Ленинградская Областная Клиническая Больница
Получить медицинскую помощь
Телефоны для связи
пн-вс 8:00 – 20:00
Платные услуги:
пн-вс 8:00 – 20:00
пн-вс 8:00 – 20:00
Платные услуги:
пн-вс 8:00 – 20:00
194291, г.Санкт-Петербург, Выборгский район, пр. Луначарского, 45 к.2, литер А
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Medical tourism

The high demand for medical services in Russia is due not only to affordable costs, but also to the high level of capabilities of medical institutions that use high-tech methods. The main areas of medical tourism services are minimally invasive surgical interventions.

The Leningrad Regional Clinical Hospital is a modern multidisciplinary clinic that treats up to 35,000 patients a year. It performs complex, including unique surgeries and treatment and diagnostic procedures that often have no analogues in Russia, which allows the Leningrad Regional Clinical Hospital to be considered a leader in the introduction of the latest technologies.

Program specialists
At the moment, patients from other countries can be admitted only within the framework of high-tech medical care (surgical treatment). The issuance of invitations to enter the territory of the Russian Federation for outpatient and dental care has been temporarily suspended.
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Federal project
‘Development of Medical Services Export’
At the moment, patients from other countries can be admitted only within the framework of high-tech medical care (surgical treatment). The issuance of invitations to enter the territory of the Russian Federation for outpatient and dental care has been temporarily suspended.
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Ленинградская областная клиническая больница
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